
Volunteer Social Media Manager Jobs in England, UK

Volunteer Social Media Manager

  • London, England, UK 
Reach Volunteering
2 to 2 years
Full Time
Job Description

Perform a social media audit Assess the current state of our social media pages and make recommendations on how we might improve our presence and engagement and where we might focus our efforts. Help us develop and execute a Social Media Strategy to help us expand our social media presence across three platforms, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook. Provide guidance on how we can manage our social media on an ongoing basis e.g. using a centralised tool, creating a content calendar, identifying easy and free graphic tools and images. Produce fresh and engaging content for our social media channels. Prepare graphics for sharing across channels. Engage with our followers and encourage interaction. Manage and maintain social media channels on a regular basis. Promote upcoming Events / Sessions.

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  • JOBSinWORLD makes no responsibility regarding reliability of this job.
  • JOBSinWORLD always recommends to check the company of this job.
  • Please beware of seeking money for any job offer.
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